Google hosts the email for my domain, and I've always had an issue with the times of messages in the message list displaying incorrectly. I just ignored it for a while, but then it became too irritating to ignore anymore.
The correct time was displayed in IE, but not in FireFox and Google Chrome. Creating a test.html page containing a script tag with the instruction alert(new Date()) showed the differences.
I browsed the Google Help forums for assistance, and the suggestions I found did not help. I found a thread that could be relevant ( and followed on the postings. After trying a couple of things, bkenelly suggested that I have a look for the TZ environment variable, as the Timezone setting (via double-clicking on the clock) was correct.
There was no TZ environment variable set under My Computer / Properties / Advanced / Environment variables, but executing the SET command in a Command Prompt showed that TZ was defined as CAT2. This caused the mysterious 4h difference. After defining TZ to GMT-2 and restarting Chrome, the time was correct. Hooray!!!
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